Sunday 7PM Northwoods ARES Net
146.940 PL 114.8
147.120 PL 114.8
Echolink W9RRA-R or Node # 452874
both repeaters are linked
Sunday 7:30 PM Lincoln County ARES/RACES
146.640 PL 114.8
Sunday 8PM Black Jack ARES Net
146.760 (open PL)
Echolink K8ATX-R
Sunday 8PM Iron River
145.170 PL 107.2
Sunday 9PM Rib Mountain Net
146.820 PL114.8
Sunday 9PM Wisconsin D-Star Net
Reflector 19 Bravo
Monday 7PM Tomahawk Swap Net
145.430 PL 114.8
Monday 7:30 VCARC Net
145.150 PL 114.8 MHz
Tuesday 7:00 PM Merrill Amateur Radio Group (MARG)
146.640 PL 114.8 MHz
Tuesday 7:30 PM Antigo Repeater Net
147.255 PL 114.8
Wednesday 7PM Wisconsin D-Star Net
Reflector 19 Bravo
Wisconsin ARES/RACES VHF Net Last Thursday of the Month 7pm
145.130 PL 114.8 Sayner Repeater linked to Wecomm System