We hold a weekly net on Sunday at 1900 on the 146.940 Rhinelander Repeater and the 147.120 Willow Repeater, both repeaters are linked and require a PL of 114.8 Hz. You do not need to be a member of either Northwoods ARES/RACES or Rhinelander Repeater Association to check in
D-Star update: 3/22/23 The W9RRA 147.195 D-Star repeater is on the air!We have decided to use QnetGateway software VS the Icom G3 gateway software, both systems are on the server and we have the ability to switch to the G3 if needed. QnetGateway will give us some added features. Routing though ircDDB, give us the linking abilities the G3 Gateway doesn't give us and will better serve the members. Also, many of the area reflectors have moved to XREF vs REF (Minnesota is one that has recently moved) with G3 Gateway we would never be able to link to that system as an example. Many XREF systems also support multi protocol. By Default the repeater will link to 19B upon startup. This is a mix mode repeater FM/D-Star
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